This is a random memory but I remember making these googly eyed yarnball things at the McKellar household during the holidays one year. Mrs. McKellar (Nora) showed us how to put these together. The McKellars had a Siamese cat - Coco - that loved to bat these things around.
Greg sent me an email recently and he mentioned my mom's "memorable" spaghetti dinners.
"It's funny", Greg wrote, "the things that really stick with you over the years." (Hey wait a minute....what exactly did he mean by that?)
Greg's right. I told him that I recalled the gumbo dinners at the McKellars in the winter, which is probably not such an odd thing to remember, I suppose, since gumbo was pretty exotic for us Aldens at the time. The McKellars hail from Louisiana and the gumbo (like my mom's spaghetti) was incredible. There are several reasons why a visit to Louisiana is up there on my Bucket List, and good food is one of them.
I also remember the huge stack of Richie Rich comic books Doug and I had amassed, and pressing silly putty into the comic books, lifting the putty, and reading a carbon copy of the comic that way.
And wasn't there something about a baby alligator the McKellars bought as a gag gift for Lee Payne because (in part) he was a dentist? Or did I dream this up after eating too much gumbo?
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